Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hot off the beading table

As I mentioned before, all our necklaces are named at birth. Meaning when Shelley finally holds up the latest creation we all stand around and wait for that bolt of lightning to strike on the correct cerebral spot which lights up the new birth name in neon. Mostly this does happen but sometimes it doesn't which leads to a string of crazy and unsuitable names until we find one that sticks. Our most ridiculous name to date was 'Gordon,' a name given to a beautiful crystal piece that draped over the bust, incongruous, but somehow it stuck. Mostly Shelley is faster than me at naming the new creations and sometimes I sneak behind her back and change the names which leads to all sorts of confusion. Anyway I could wax lyrical about the naming routine  but I am really trying to get to the point of introducing our latest offering. Her name is Agatha. She (the necklace) is inspired by the colors of a Tibetan Shaman in reds and turquoises and has the look of something ritualistc with all the odd dangling components that a Shaman might typically use as a talisman or for medicine.It is a mixture of rough unpolished carnelian, amazonite,shell, turquoise and amethyst,threaded onto a agate slice.

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